Metaverse Standards Register

The Metaverse Standards Register is a publicly accessible database of organizations, specifications, policies, recommendations, guidelines and open-source software related to metaverse interoperability. The Register enables navigation and analysis of the ecosystem of standardization activities relevant to building an open metaverse and to identify connections and gaps in the standardization landscape.

Hosted by the Metaverse Standards Forum, information in the Register is provided and maintained by qualified standards-related organizations to ensure accuracy and relevance.

How the Metaverse Standards Register Works

If your organization engages in metaverse-related standardization activities and is not yet listed in the Register, you are invited to apply for qualification, so your organization may upload to the Register to gain visibility and drive adoption for your work.

Apply for upload access to the register

Once an organization is qualified and displayed in the Register, designated representatives can upload data on publications and projects for review by the Register Working Group and upload to the Register.

Note the Register is currently under construction and currently displays standards-related organizations. Standards-related publications and projects, and Glossary Terms, will be listed soon.

Search: + include / - exlude / * anything
eg: org* -xyz +uvw -> returns all entries with 'organizations' and 'uvw and not 'xyx'
17 Results Found – domains tagged with 'Governance'
IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has been at the forefront of global technology standardization for almost 160 years. With a membership of 194 member states and more than 1000 companies, universities, and international and regional organizations the ITU serves as the primary international platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure that the metaverse can be harnessed for the benefit of all, while minimizing potential risks and promoting sustainable development.
Metasecurity Solutions, LLC
Metaverse Interoperability Community Group (Open Metaverse Interoperability Group, OMI)
We're focused on bridging virtual worlds by designing protocols, promoting open development activities, and leading research into collaborative frameworks for Metaverse Interoperability.
Open AR Cloud
All real-world to digital world related use-cases that could benefit from open standards, protocols, architectures and best practice guidelines.
Open Metaverse Interoperability Group (OMI Group)
The Open Metaverse Interoperability Group is an open source community of industry professionals, independent creators, and passionate enthusiasts whose goal is to build interoperable technology together. OMI's mission is to bridge virtual worlds across interfaces & technologies by researching, designing & promoting protocols for identity, social graphs, inventory, and sharing of creative work in the 3D web & open metaverse.
Responsible Metaverse Alliance
The Responsible Metaverse Alliance (RMA) is a social enterprise and international movement dedicated to supporting the development of the metaverse, and virtual worlds, so that they are handled responsibly from a perspective of design, deployment, safety, culture, inclusion, operations and function. The RMA has a focus on working with politicians, government officials, regulators and policy makers internationally, to support them in addressing potential harms of the metaverse.
The DigitalCore(TM) Consortium
Global Vision: Unlocking physics in a computer.Global Mission: To unlock innovation and advancements across industries by creating a shared foundation for digital material representation.*Please see attached deck in the Supplementary Information section.
The DigitalCore(TM) Consortium
Global Vision: Unlocking physics in a computer.Global Mission: To unlock innovation and advancements across industries by creating a shared foundation for digital material representation.*Please see attached deck in the Supplementary Information section.
TM Forum Metaverse Moonshot Catalyst DBM6
Refine an open digital architecture to synergize virtual and physical traveler ecosystems
Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) w.V.
Network / cluster management in the field of XR: Our non-for-profit organisation comprises approx. 100 institutional members of XR end users, XR technology providers and XR research labs. Main goals of VDC business is first to support networking between our member organisations and second XR technology transfer to the industry, in particular to SMEs. We focus on B2B XR thus not XR gaming or XR entertainment. We provide the German XR community with relevant information on XR, including relevant norms, standards, guidelines on XR. We do formulate position papers adressed to politics and administration to foster XR usage. Latest position papers included XR standardisation needs and XR user interface design needs. We are active in XR standards mapping. We are member of Khronos, IEEE and DIN e.V.
Wabi Foundation
An American nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the growth of the open-source Metaverse, founded upon universal interoperability of open standards and protocols, decentralized away from individual corporations and government regulations.
XR Safety Initiative - XRSI
XR Safety Initiative (XRSI) is a 501(c)(3) global non-profit Standards Developing Organization(SDO)that offers advisory services to promote privacy, security, and ethics in the emerging technology domain. XRSI's mission is to help build safe and inclusive emerging tech ecosystem.