Metaverse Standards Register

The Metaverse Standards Register is a publicly accessible database of organizations, specifications, policies, recommendations, guidelines and open-source software related to metaverse interoperability. The Register enables navigation and analysis of the ecosystem of standardization activities relevant to building an open metaverse and to identify connections and gaps in the standardization landscape.

Hosted by the Metaverse Standards Forum, information in the Register is provided and maintained by qualified standards-related organizations to ensure accuracy and relevance.

How the Metaverse Standards Register Works

If your organization engages in metaverse-related standardization activities and is not yet listed in the Register, you are invited to apply for qualification, so your organization may upload to the Register to gain visibility and drive adoption for your work.

Apply for upload access to the register

Once an organization is qualified and displayed in the Register, designated representatives can upload data on publications and projects for review by the Register Working Group and upload to the Register.

Note the Register is currently under construction and currently displays standards-related organizations. Standards-related publications and projects, and Glossary Terms, will be listed soon.

Search: + include / - exlude / * anything
eg: org* -xyz +uvw -> returns all entries with 'organizations' and 'uvw and not 'xyx'
61 Results Found
5G Media Action Group (5G-MAG) Association
5G-MAG (Media Action Group) fosters collaboration between the media and information and communication technology (ICT) industries. A core objective is to drive the market-oriented implementation of technologies for the connected media world, leveraging global Internet and 5G access technologies. The work spans from conception of a use case, service or application, up to implementation of proof-of-concepts and products. Stakeholders in the end-to-end value chain are welcome such as content and service providers, network operators, technology solution suppliers, software developers, equipment manufacturers, R&D organizations, universities, regulators or policy makers. 5G-MAG is an independent not-for-profit association with its own legal identity, funding, governance, and administrative rules. The seat of the association is in Geneva, Switzerland.
Academy Software Foundation (ASWF)
The Academy Software Foundation (ASWF) provides a neutral forum for open source software developers in the motion picture and broader media industries to share resources and collaborate on technologies for image creation, visual effects, animation and sound.
Candidate Organization
AI Infrastructure Alliance
The AI Infrastructure Alliance brings together the tools, data scientists and data engineers need to build a robust, scalable, end-to-end, enterprise artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) platform
Candidate Organization
Algorand Foundation
The Algorand Foundation is a not-for-profit, community organisation focused on protocol governance, token dynamics and supporting grassroots, open-source development on the Algorand ecosystem.
Candidate Organization
Alliance for Open Media
The Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia) was formed to define and develop technologies to address marketplace demand for open standards for media compression and delivery.
Candidate Organization
Alliance for OpenUSD
The Alliance for OpenUSD (AOUSD) is an open, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the interoperability of 3D content through OpenUSD (Universal Scene Description). Standardizing the 3D ecosystem will enable developers and content creators to describe, compose, and simulate large-scale 3D projects and build an ever-widening range of 3D-enabled products and services. Part of the Joint Development Foundation, the Alliance brings together a diverse and inclusive community of participants to provide an open forum for collaborative development and discussion around OpenUSD.
Candidate Organization
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
The American National Standards Institute is a private nonprofit organization that oversees the development of voluntary consensus standards for products, services, processes, systems, and personnel in the United States.
Candidate Organization
Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance (AREA)
The AR for Enterprise Alliance provides the support organizations need to assess, plan, and manage their enterprise Augmented Reality projects. Our up-to-date resources and neutral, reliable guidance make the path to AR adoption surer, shorter, and smoother. In addition, the AREA works to build and strengthen the AR ecosystem by identifying opportunities and challenges, spearheading research, and facilitating dialogue among AR providers and enterprises.
Candidate Organization
Consumer Technology Association
Standards, Events (including CES trade show), market research, policy and regulatory work
Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF)
The Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) exists to advance the interests of the decentralized identity community, including performing research and development to advance "pre-competitive" technical foundations towards established interoperable, global standards.
DOI Foundation
Founded in 1997, the DOI Foundation is a not-for-profit organization. We govern the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system on behalf of the agencies who manage DOI registries and provide services to their respective communities. We are the registration authority for the ISO standard (ISO 26324) for the DOI system and we are governed by our Registration Agencies. The DOI Foundation is an international community of communities bound by a common interest in persistent infrastructure. So far, we have welcomed agencies that manage communities spanning entertainment, standards, the built environment, natural history collections, scholarly communications, and research data.
Enosema Foundation
Enosema is an international standardization organization, similar to the roles played by ISO and IEC. Enosema creates international standards and contributes to the domains of semantic interoperability, shared concepts and concepts management.
Candidate Organization
Ethereum Foundation
The Ethereum Foundation (EF) is a non-profit that supports the Ethereum ecosystem. We are part of a larger community of organizations, individuals, and companies that fund protocol development, grow our community, and advocate for Ethereum. Behind that simple description, the EF is hard to categorize. We are not a tech company, or a "normal" non-profit. Just as Ethereum requires new concepts and technologies, it has spawned new kinds of organizations. We are at the frontier of a new kind of organization: one that supports a blockchain, without controlling it. Every day we learn more about what kind of organization the EF needs to be, to support Ethereum's long term growth. One key thing to understand is that the EF is more like a community of teams than a traditional organization.
Candidate Organization
ETSI produces globally applicable standards for ICT-enabled systems, applications and services deployed across all sectors of industry and society
Candidate Organization
Express Language Foundation
The EXPRESS Language Foundation serves organizations and individuals alike with a need in defining interchangeable information models across information systems.
Candidate Organization
FIWARE Foundation e.V.
FIWARE Foundation drives the definition - and the Open Source implementation - of key open standards that enable the development of portable and interoperable smart solutions in a faster, easier and affordable way, avoiding vendor lock-in scenarios, whilst also nurturing FIWARE as a sustainable and innovation-driven business ecosystem.
Global Tech Advocates Metaverse Group
Powered by hundo, this working group aims to create the tools and give a platform to Advocates to understand and create the metaverse. Whether you are active in the space, interested in the space or a total sceptic. Web3 isn't a future, distant prospect, it is already here and happening.
Candidate Organization
Hyperledger Foundation
member-driven, not-for-profit organization fostering global collaboration in the advancement and adoption of enterprise-grade technologies.
The Interactive Advertising Bureau is an American advertising business organization that develops industry standards, conducts research, and provides legal support for the online advertising industry
Candidate Organization
IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.
The Internet Engineering Task Force is a standards organization for the Internet and is responsible for the technical standards that make up the Internet protocol suite. It has no formal membership roster or requirements and all its participants are volunteers.
Candidate Organization
Immersive Digital Experiences Alliance
The Immersive Digital Experiences Alliance (IDEA) is a non-profit industry alliance working towards developing a family of royalty-free technical specifications that define interoperable interfaces and exchange formats to support the end-to-end conveyance of immersive volumetric and/or light field media.
International Future Computing Association (TIFCA)
TIFCA's mission is to develop open frameworks and initiatives that enable technology adoption. We achieve this through influential membership meetings, stakeholder education, market-building events, special initiatives, and more.
Candidate Organization
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has been at the forefront of global technology standardization for almost 160 years. With a membership of 194 member states and more than 1000 companies, universities, and international and regional organizations the ITU serves as the primary international platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure that the metaverse can be harnessed for the benefit of all, while minimizing potential risks and promoting sustainable development.
MIPI Alliance is a collaborative global organization serving industries that develop mobile and mobile-influenced devices. The focus of the organization is to design and promote hardware and software interfaces that simplify the integration of components built into a device, from the antenna and modem, to peripherals and the application processor. MIPI Alliance crafts all of its specifications to meet the stringent operating conditions required in mobile devices: high-bandwidth performance, low power consumption, and low electromagnetic interference (EMI).
Candidate Organization
Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI)
MPAI is a not-for-profit organisation incorporated under the laws of Switzerland with the mission to promote the efficient use of Data by A) developing Technical Specifications of 1) Coding and decoding for any type of Data, especially using new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, and 2) technologies that facilitate integration of Data Coding and Decoding components in Information and Communication Technology systems, and by B) bridging the gap between Technical Specifications and their practical use through the development of Intellectual Property Rights Guidelines ("IPR Guidelines"), such as Framework Licences and other instruments.
MPEG (under ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29)
MPEG is the group that develops standards for coded representation of digital audio, video,3D Graphics and genomic data. Since its establishment in 1988, the group has producedstandards that help industry offer end users an ever more enjoyable digital mediaexperience.
National Institute of Standards and Technology
To promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.
Candidate Organization
Oasis Consortium
Oasis aims to redefine trust on the Internet through a Digital Sustainability Model that focuses on three key pillars: safety, privacy, and inclusion.
Object Management Group
The Object Management Group(R) Standards Development Organization (OMG(R) SDO) is an international (27 countries), membership-driven (230+ organizations) and not-for-profit consortiumMISSION STATEMENTTo generate technology standards (250+) that provide quantifiable real-world value to all vertical industries. That is why we are dedicated to bringing together our international membership community of end-users, researchers and vendors in academia government and industry to develop and revise our standards as technologies change over time.VISIONTo provide a neutral forum where best practices from a wide range of fields can be discussed and standards can be generated that drive the adoption and innovation of cutting-edge technology spanning industries worldwide. Our Standards Process is fair, robust, transparent, and well-documented, while our standards are implemented everywhere: agriculture (DDS), autonomous vehicles (DDS), avionics (SysML & UML), business (BPMN), energy (DDS), finance (FIBO & FIGI), healthcare (DDS), military (DDS, SysML, UML), retail (UPOS), telecommunications, transportation (DDS), and space (DDS, GEMS, SOLM, XTCE, XUSP). Our one organization-one vote policy ensures that every member organization, despite size, has an effective voice in our voting process."
Open AR Cloud
All real-world to digital world related use-cases that could benefit from open standards, protocols, architectures and best practice guidelines.
Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international consortium of more than 500 businesses, government agencies, research organizations, and universities driven to make geospatial (location) information and services FAIR - Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. OGC's member-driven consensus process creates royalty free, publicly available, open geospatial standards. Existing at the cutting edge, OGC actively analyzes and anticipates emerging tech trends, and runs an agile, collaborative Research and Development (R&D) lab - the OGC Innovation Program - that builds and tests innovative prototype solutions to members' use cases.
Open Metaverse Interoperability Group (OMI Group)
The Open Metaverse Interoperability Group is an open source community of industry professionals, independent creators, and passionate enthusiasts whose goal is to build interoperable technology together. OMI's mission is to bridge virtual worlds across interfaces & technologies by researching, designing & promoting protocols for identity, social graphs, inventory, and sharing of creative work in the 3D web & open metaverse.
Open3D Foundation
Join a vibrant, diverse community focused on building a first-class, open source 3D engine poised to revolutionize real-time 3D development across a variety of applications--from game development, robotics, metaverse and digital twin, to AI, automotive, healthcare, and more.
Candidate Organization
OpenWallet Foundation
The OWF is a consortium of companies and non-profit organisations collaborating to drive global adoption of open, secure and interoperable digital wallet solutions as well as providing access to expertise and advice through our Government Advisory Council.The OWF aims to set best practices for digital wallet technology through collaboration on standards-based OSS components that issuers, wallet providers and relying parties can use to bootstrap implementations that preserve user choice, security and privacy.
Candidate Organization
PDF Association, e.V.
Delivering a vendor-neutral platform for developing open specifications and standards for PDF technology.
Responsible Metaverse Alliance
The Responsible Metaverse Alliance (RMA) is a social enterprise and international movement dedicated to supporting the development of the metaverse, and virtual worlds, so that they are handled responsibly from a perspective of design, deployment, safety, culture, inclusion, operations and function. The RMA has a focus on working with politicians, government officials, regulators and policy makers internationally, to support them in addressing potential harms of the metaverse.
Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization, Inc. (SISO)
The Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) is an international organization dedicated to the promotion of modeling and simulation interoperability and reuse for the benefit of a broad range of M&S communities including developers, procurers, and users world-wide.
Candidate Organization
Since its establishment in 1916, SMPTE has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of film and television by setting industry standards that have been instrumental in the industry's continued growth and progress. From film formats to digital video and audio standards, SMPTE has been at the forefront of advancing media technologies for over a century.
Candidate Organization
Solana Foundation
The Solana Foundation is a non-profit foundation based in Zug, Switzerland, dedicated to the decentralization, adoption, and security of the Solana ecosystem.
Candidate Organization
Spatial Web Foundation, Inc
The Spatial Web Foundation (SWF) is dedicated to ethical development and use of technology, particularly in the creation and implementation of the Spatial Web Protocol.
Streaming Video Technology Alliance
The Streaming Video Technology Alliance is a global technical association addressing critical challenges in streaming video. By educating the industry on the technical nature of the issues, providing a neutral forum for collaboration across the video ecosystem, and publishing documentation that defines technical solutions, the SVTA is helping to improve the streaming video experience at scale. Over 100 companies including network operators, content rights holders, OTT platforms, service providers, and technology vendors - representing some of the biggest names in global streaming - participate in bi-weekly working group activities and quarterly face-to-face meetings.
Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)
Since its foundation in 1988, TTA has been contributing to the advancement in related industries by wayof standardization efforts and testing & certification services in the field of information andcommunication.
Candidate Organization
The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC)
The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) unites seven telecommunications standard development organizations (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC), known as "Organizational Partners" providing their members with a stable environment to produce the Reports and Specifications that define 3GPP technologies. 3GPP specifications cover cellular telecommunications technologies, including radio access, core network and service capabilities, which provide a complete system description for mobile telecommunications. The 3GPP specifications also provide hooks for non-radio access to the core network, and for interworking with non-3GPP networks. Within the 3GPP Technical Specification Group Service and System Aspects (SA), the main objectives of the 3GPP TSG SA WG4 (SA4) are the specifications of codecs for speech, audio, video, graphics and other media types related to emerging services such as extended realities (XR) and gaming, as well as the system and delivery aspects of such contents. These objectives includes defining content formats and delivery protocols for unicast, multicast and broadcast streaming, cloud and edge computing architectures, media APIs, media handling in multimedia telephony, terminal acoustics requirements and performance testing, end-to-end service performance, objective and subjective quality testing, quality of experience (QoE) metrics, definition of traffic characteristics for media services, reporting for all services involving media aspects, and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning models for multimedia. SA WG4 is currently responsible for the XR-based services and traffic characteristics, Next Generation Video for 5G, Media Distribution over 5G unicast/multicast and broadcast, Media Cloud and Edge Processing in 5GS, Glass-based Augmented Reality, VR conferencing, Immersive Voice and Audio Services and Extension for headset interface tests of UE.
The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium
CalConnect is a non-profit standards body for collaborative technologies.
The DigitalCore(TM) Consortium
Global Vision: Unlocking physics in a computer.Global Mission: To unlock innovation and advancements across industries by creating a shared foundation for digital material representation.*Please see attached deck in the Supplementary Information section.
The Khronos Group, Inc.
The Khronos Group is an open, non-profit, member-driven consortium of over 200 industry-leading organizations creating advanced, royalty-free interoperability standards for 3D graphics, augmented and virtual reality, parallel programming, vision acceleration, machine learning, and camera system runtimes. Khronos standards include Vulkan(R), Vulkan(R) SC, OpenGL(R), OpenGL(R) ES, OpenGL(R) SC, WebGL(TM), SPIR-V(TM), OpenCL(TM), SYCL(TM), OpenVX(TM), NNEF(TM), OpenXR(TM), 3D Commerce(TM), ANARI(TM), glTF(TM), and Kamaros(TM). Khronos members are enabled to contribute to the development of Khronos specifications, are empowered to vote at various stages before public deployment and are able to accelerate the delivery of their cutting-edge accelerated platforms and applications through early access to specification drafts and conformance tests.
The Linux Foundation
The Linux Foundation provides a neutral, trusted hub for developers to code, manage, and scale open technology projects.
Candidate Organization
TM Forum Metaverse Moonshot Catalyst DBM6
Refine an open digital architecture to synergize virtual and physical traveler ecosystems
Trust over IP Foundation
We're an independent project hosted at the Linux Foundation, working with pan-industry support from leading organizations around the world.Our mission is to provide a robust, common standard and complete architecture for Internet-scale digital trust.
Candidate Organization
Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA)
VESA's vision is continual growth in technical standards development and evolution into an international trade association, with world-wide membership driving standards initiatives, product implementations, and market implementation.
Candidate Organization
Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) w.V.
Network / cluster management in the field of XR: Our non-for-profit organisation comprises approx. 100 institutional members of XR end users, XR technology providers and XR research labs. Main goals of VDC business is first to support networking between our member organisations and second XR technology transfer to the industry, in particular to SMEs. We focus on B2B XR thus not XR gaming or XR entertainment. We provide the German XR community with relevant information on XR, including relevant norms, standards, guidelines on XR. We do formulate position papers adressed to politics and administration to foster XR usage. Latest position papers included XR standardisation needs and XR user interface design needs. We are active in XR standards mapping. We are member of Khronos, IEEE and DIN e.V.
VRM Consortium, Inc.
The VRM Consortium was established to advocate for the platform-independent 3D avatar file format VRM, disseminate VRM and establish unified standards.
Wabi Foundation
An American nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the growth of the open-source Metaverse, founded upon universal interoperability of open standards and protocols, decentralized away from individual corporations and government regulations.
World Broadband Assocation
The mission of the WBBA is to unify broadband industry stakeholders to address and drive forward shared goals of maximizing the social and economic benefits of equality of broadband for all globally. The association will provide an open organization for future-facing broadband cooperation and partnership across the industry.
XR Guild
The XR Guild is an association of professionals in the field of XR, Spatial Computing, Metaverse and web3 (and related) who support a common set of ethical principles.
Candidate Organization
XR Safety Initiative - XRSI
XR Safety Initiative (XRSI) is a 501(c)(3) global non-profit Standards Developing Organization(SDO)that offers advisory services to promote privacy, security, and ethics in the emerging technology domain. XRSI's mission is to help build safe and inclusive emerging tech ecosystem.