eg: org* -xyz +uvw -> returns all entries with 'organizations' and 'uvw and not 'xyx'

The Metaverse Standards Register is a publicly accessible database of organizations, specifications, policies, recommendations, guidelines and open-source software related to metaverse interoperability. The Register enables navigation and analysis of the ecosystem of standardization activities relevant to building an open metaverse and to identify connections and gaps in the standardization landscape.
Hosted by the Metaverse Standards Forum, information in the Register is provided and maintained by qualified standards-related organizations to ensure accuracy and relevance.
How the Metaverse Standards Register Works
If your organization engages in metaverse-related standardization activities and is not yet listed in the Register, you are invited to apply for qualification, so your organization may upload to the Register to gain visibility and drive adoption for your work.
Apply for upload access to the register
Once an organization is qualified and displayed in the Register, designated representatives can upload data on publications and projects for review by the Register Working Group and upload to the Register.
Note the Register is currently under construction and currently displays standards-related organizations. Standards-related publications and projects, and Glossary Terms, will be listed soon.